Thursday, 19 September 2013

Optimist Yachting Day 2

Here is my goanimate for my Optimist Yachting.
Hope you like it.
Please comment.

Optimist Yachting by Cameron Potts on GoAnimate

Reflection for Yachting
Something I was pleased with was that we didn’t capsize the yacht because I didn’t want to go into the water.
I really enjoyed learning how to sail a Optimist Yacht because I have never been in an Optimist Yacht before.

Something I found hard was keeping the mainsheet(rope) in my hand because I needed not to make it so loose.
Something that made me think was how to work the rudder because if you wanted to go right you had to make the rudder point left.
Something I want to get better at is steering.
Before kayaking with the interschool cross country team.

There was a seal on the rocks I made a red line around the seal.


  1. Well done on your reflections Cam. I am so pleased you enjoyed the day heaps more today. You are lucky to have spotted a seal! Can't wait for you to take me out in a kayak or sailboat!

  2. Looks like you have had a wonderful time yachting Cam. How cool seeing a seal under the bridge. You are all very lucky to have such an exciting week.

  3. Looks like you had a great day Cameron. I thought you might like Yachting

  4. Wow Cameron, optimist yachting sounds tricky but it sounds like you did really well and learned heaps. How exciting to see a seal on the rocks. It sounds like a fantastic day!

  5. Hi Cameron... I used to go to teachers college with your mum a long time ago. She showed me your blog link. You have been having alot of fun at school!
    I like your Goanimate. I havent seen that before. Is it hard to make? It looks very cool! It sounds like you had lots of fun yachting and learnt lots!
    Mrs Bassett

  6. Awesome Goanimate Cam. I really like the way how you've described all the fun and funny parts.
    It seemed like you had fun. Well done :-)

  7. Wow Cameron good goals to look forward to.
    Love the Go animate.
    Keep it up Cam!

  8. Wow Cam
    Awesome yachting day 2 report!
    Well done


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