Thursday, 19 June 2014

Holt Plantarium Visit

Monday 16 June 2014

Something I enjoyed was watching how people live in space because it was interesting how they live and the different exercises they do.

Something I found interesting was how hard it looked to eat in space because the food floats around.

The most exciting thing about space is being in zero gravity because you can do back and forward flips endlessly without falling

I would like to learn more about stars and how they can be different colours.

“How do stars in the universe have an impact impact on us?”

I want the rest of my inquiry topic to be about: Stars and heat


  1. Tania and Richard PottsSaturday, June 21, 2014

    The Planetarium is a pretty cool place to visit. I remember going with a class a while ago. Good reflection Cam..i look forward to your inquiry on Stars and Heat. We should take Tom along to the Sunday session.

  2. Well done Cameron, I think it would be cool to float around :)


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