Thursday 18 April 2013

Camp Shark

This is my camp I made it is called Camp Shark. We had to write directions to find Mr M. Also we had to use North, East, South, West, North East, South East, South West and North West. Also the co-ordinates were important. Here are my rules and directions.

Camp rules for Camp Shark:

  1. No running.
  2. Only run when being attacked(when told).
  3. Do not sneak out at night(people will be walking around the camp at night).
  1. Do not go into the water that has wire around it.
  2. Don’t go over the wire around the water and the islands.
  3. No going into the water when with no adult.
  1. Do not drive a jeep if under 8 years old.
  2. Do not drive a boat if under the height and the age of 9 year old.
  1. Do not leave your ID card anywhere but around your neck.

Directions to find Mr M:

Where to find Mr M
  1. Land at C8.
  2. Get into a jeep at C7 South of the air port.
  3. Drive E7 then.
  4. Go to F7 to get the co-ordinates from the main hall.
  5. Then go to F6 just South of the main camp hall and get in a jeep.
  6. Then drive to F5.
  7. Get into a boat on the East side of the port.
  8. Go South to F4.
  9. Then go East to J4.
  10. Launch a small boat go North to J5.
  11. Just to the edge you will find Mr M. He has broken something you need to take him back to camp.


  1. Well done, Cameron.

    I think your map looks great (if a bit scary). The techniques you used to create your title were impressive and it looks amazing!

    I especially like your directions. You extended yourself with good thinking. Thank you for saving me but I'm a bit worried about what I broke.

    1. You broke a arm.
      Thank you

  2. Your map looks great Cameron! Your key and your directions are very clear and easy to follow. Your title turned out great. Wouldn't it be great to visit Camp Shark.
    I hope Mr M hasn't broken too many bones!

    1. Thank you Mum and Dad.
      You will be the fist people on Camp Shark

  3. Great camp Cameron
    I like how you have put your camp inside your shark
    It look really cool like that
    Well done !!!


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